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19 No.2 / Sold out

27.3 × 27.3 cm











19 No.2 / Sold out

Acrylic.brass leaf on wooden panel
27.3 × 27.3 cm

“Swaying” concept

Created based on the concept that everyone has the “inner children” with different personalities, and that the milestone of that time remains in my memory.

It is said that John Bradshaw started advocating “inner child”.

As a therapist, he invented the term “inner child” in 1993 in his book Homecoming: Reclaiming and Healing Your Inner Child.

At this moment, few people live their lives being always aware of the tragic events that are happening in the world today.

The new coronavirus (COVID-19), which occurred in Wuhan, China in early December 2020 and has spread all over the world, has infected many people and killed at least 2.69 million people worldwide. The death toll is still increasing. The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on March 11 that the spread of the new coronavirus infection would correspond to a pandemic.

At this time, many people experienced “unusual” for the first time, some of them even experienced their close ones getting infected.

Our daily lives were threatened by the new coronavirus (COVID-19).

In 2021, Japan celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake. In particular, the tragic events that people experienced as a child are engraved in the depths of their heart and become a habit.

好き 食べること 日本酒 おにく マカロン ミッフィーちゃん​ ネコ マレーグマ

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